You can make a difference. Your payment or donation will make a change in the life of someone who needs help on their career or recovery journey.
Thank you! Your payment for services and/or donation allows us to help those who need it most.
*It is not required to have a PayPal account in order to pay with cc via PayPal.
other payment options
Via Venmo: “One Life at a Time, Inc.”
Via Paypal: “
Via personal check: "One Life at a Time; 100 Grossman Drive Suite 305; Braintree, MA 02184
Sponsor Directed Program Opportunities
If you would like to make a direct donation to a specific area of our program to help those in our program focus on their learning and not worry about financial issues, there are several keys areas where you can make a difference.
Capital Projects
One Life at a Time isn’t giving up on those in need, and neither should you. Please consider giving to one of our specific Capital Projects to continue our mission of providing services to the disadvantaged and displaced, especially during the COVID pandemic. As we continue to evolve our delivery to provide services to as many individuals as possible, we are asking for specific help in building out the future of our remote and virtual instructional programs. If you are interested, please consider donating any amount toward our goal. We will keep you updated on the progress of fundraising toward the project, and let you know when we have successfully met our goal!
Sober & Recovery Home Virtual Instruction Installation
Help us defray the cost of bringing virtual instruction and sober support and counseling directly to those in need. Each technology package includes a laptop, monitor, high definition web camera, speakers, mouse, keyboard, a desk setup, and Microsoft Office software package to be placed into a sober home and used to deliver our programs directly to the house participants. One Life At A Time has already installed packages in 25 sober homes in Calendar 2020, and we are looking to complete an additional 50 installations by the end of next year.
Main Classroom Virtualization Package
Help us continue our mission to provide virtual instructional services in the new COVID environment. The Classroom Virtualization Package will allow us to produce high quality live, recorded, and on demand virtual content directly to the sober homes. These services, in addition to our high quality in classroom programs will enable us to reach the most vulnerable clients no matter what is happening in the world.
Additional Classroom Construction
Help us build out a second classroom area in order to provide additional in person and virtual classroom instruction. Due to COVID social distancing guidelines, there is a limitation on the number of clients that can be in the classroom at any one time. A second classroom will allow us to service more in person individuals, as well as offer more flexibility in offering concurrent classes for a more diverse population.
Instructor Virtualization Package
Help us to upgrade our instructor equipment, and outfit our staff and instructional staff with the appropriate equipment to provide great and dynamic content to all clients that need assistance. Instructor packages will allow for additional one-on-one meeting and counseling time with clients, especially during off business hours including potentially nights, weekends, and holidays.